Our Services

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    Body in Motion

    Program participant working hard on the parallel bars.

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    Outdoor Fun

    A TLC participant enjoying some outdoor activities.

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    A TLC participant working on some Range of Motion (ROM) exercises.

Rehabilitation Services

TLC's rehabilitation program understands that consistent and effective therapy is an integral part of recovery.

Our goal for our clients is to relieve pain, improve lost function and promote healing and independence. We develop a personalized treatment plan for each client, incorporating various forms of therapeutic exercise, muscle re-education techniques, balance activities and education.

  • Strength, Balance & Mobility Exercises
  • Stretches & Range of Motion (ROM) Exercises
  • Dexterity & Hand Exercises
  • Prevention & Pain Management

Have more questions? We're here to answer them.
Let us know what we can do to help.

TLC Winnipeg | Transitional Living Centres